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Problema plugin VIP

Posted: 24 Jan 2023, 11:35
by eugenhajnal
salut , nu pot compila acest plugin , versiune amxmodx 1.10
| Afiseaza codul
/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>  
#include <fun>
#include <engine>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta_util>

#define PLUGIN "VIP System"
#define VERSION "1.9x" 
#define AUTHOR "God @ Dual-Gaming"

#define	PREFIX		"!g[GOLD VIP]!n"
#define	START_HOUR	21 
#define	END_HOUR	10


#define	TASKID_CHECKER	82371
#define	TASKID_MESSAGE	82121

new CountRounds = 0, g_sCurrentMap [ 32 ], bool: HappyHours = false;
new HP = 100, Allowmap = 1
new gold[33], silver[33]
new Limit[33]

// Advanced bullet damage © Sn!ff3r
new g_hudmsg1, g_hudmsg2;

// Parachute © KRoT@L/JTP10181 & Fixed sector
new para_ent [ 33 ];
new test
new kill[33]
native set_leader(id)
native delete_leader()
new lastCT, lastT
// Warmup
native is_warmup_enable ( );

public plugin_init ( ) {
	//new NAME_LICENTIAT[20];
   //	get_user_ip(0, NAME_LICENTIAT, charsmax(NAME_LICENTIAT), 1);

   	//if(equal(NAME_LICENTIAT, "")) {
	register_plugin ( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR );
	RegisterHam ( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Player_Spawn", 1 );
	register_message ( get_user_msgid ( "ScoreAttrib" ), "hookMessageScoreAttrib" );
	register_event ( "HLTV", "hookNewRound", "a", "1=0", "2=0" );
	register_logevent("clearleader", 2, "1=Round_End");
	register_event ( "DeathMsg", "hookDeathMsg", "a" );
	fChecker ( )
	set_task ( 60.0, "fChecker", TASKID_CHECKER, _, _, "b" );
	set_task ( 600.0, "fMessage", TASKID_MESSAGE, _, _, "b" );

	register_clcmd ( "say /rd", "fResetDeaths" );
	register_clcmd ( "say_team /rd", "fResetDeaths" );
	register_clcmd ( "say", "handleSay" )
	register_concmd("amx_givemoney", "givemoney")
	// Advanced bullet damage © Sn!ff3r
	register_event ( "Damage", "hookOnDamage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0" );	
	g_hudmsg1 = CreateHudSyncObj ( );
	g_hudmsg2 = CreateHudSyncObj ( );
public plugin_precache()
public handleSay(id)
		return 0;

	new args[64],comanda[18]
	read_args(args, charsmax(args))
	new arg1[9];
	new arg2[32];
	strbreak(args, arg1, charsmax(arg1), arg2, charsmax(arg2));
	formatex(comanda, charsmax(comanda), "/give")

	if (equal(arg1,comanda, strlen(comanda)+1))
		donate(id, arg2);

	return 0;
public donate(id, arg[])
	new to[32], count[10], player[32], player2[32];
	strbreak(arg, to, charsmax(to), count, charsmax(count));
	if (!to[0])
		chat_color(id, "^x04Jucatorul care la-ti scris nu este pe server");
		return 1;

	new reciever = cmd_target(id, to, (CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF));
	new nr = str_to_num(count)

	if (!reciever)
		chat_color(id, "^x04Jucatorul care la-ti scris nu este pe server");
		return 1;

	else if (cs_get_user_money(id) < nr )
		chat_color(id, "^x04Nu ai suficienti bani");
		return 1;

	else if (cs_get_user_money(reciever) >= 16000 )
		chat_color(id, "^x04Jucatorul care la-ti scris are nr. maxim de bani");
		return 1;
	get_user_name(id, player, charsmax(player))
	get_user_name(reciever, player2, charsmax(player2))
	if(cs_get_user_money(reciever)+nr > 16000)
		chat_color(id, "^x04Jucatorul %s va trece limita de bani, mai poate primi %d$",player2, (16000-cs_get_user_money(reciever)));
		return 1;
	chat_color(0, "^x04%s ^x01i-a dat lui ^x04%s ^x03%d^x04$",player,player2,nr);
	cs_set_user_money(id, cs_get_user_money(id)-nr)
	cs_set_user_money(reciever, cs_get_user_money(reciever)+nr)
	return 0;
public givemoney(id) {
	if(get_user_flags ( id ) & read_flags ( "abcdefghijklmnopqrst" ))
		new target_name[32]
		new Amount[10]
		read_argv(1, target_name, 31)
		read_argv(2, Amount, 9)
		if(equal(target_name, "") || equal(Amount, ""))
			console_print(id, "amx_givemoney <Nume> <Suma>")
			return 1
		new Money = str_to_num(Amount)
		if(Money <= 0)
			console_print(id, "Trebuie sa scrii o suma mai mare decat 0 !")
			return 1
		new iPlayer = cmd_target(id, target_name, 8)
			console_print(id, "Jucatorul %s nu a fost gasit !", target_name)
			return 1

		cs_set_user_money(iPlayer, cs_get_user_money(iPlayer)+Money)

		return 1
		console_print(id, "Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda !")
		return 1
	return 1
public plugin_natives ( )
	register_native ( "is_happy_hours", "is_happy_hours", 1 );

public is_happy_hours ( ) return HappyHours;	

public fResetDeaths ( id ) {
	if(get_user_flags ( id ) & read_flags ( "abcdefghijklmnopqrst" ))
		cs_set_user_deaths ( id, 0 );
		chat_color ( id, "!g[NORD DEATHS]!n Ti-ai resetat decesele!" );
		if(gold[id] == 1 && Limit[id] < 3)
			Limit [ id ]++;
			cs_set_user_deaths ( id, 0 );
			chat_color ( id, "!g[DG DEATHS]!n Ti-ai resetat decesele, ti le mai poti reseta de %d ori!",(3-Limit[id]));
		else if(gold[id] == 1 && Limit[id] >= 3)
			chat_color ( id, "!g[DG DEATHS]!n Ai folosit nr maxim de /rd!" );

public fChecker ( ) {
	new Hour;
	time ( Hour, _, _ );
	if ( Hour >= START_HOUR || Hour < END_HOUR ) {

		HappyHours = true;
		chat_color ( 0, "!gHappyHours este in desfasurare!" )
		if ( equali ( g_sCurrentMap, "de_dust" ) == -1 )
			server_cmd ( "changelevel de_dust2" );
		else {
			set_cvar_num ( "mp_timelimit", 0 );
			static id;
			for ( id = 1; id <= get_maxplayers ( ); id++ )
				if ( is_user_connected ( id ) )
					gold[id] = true;
	else {
		if ( Hour >= END_HOUR && HappyHours ) {
			HappyHours = false;
			server_cmd ( "changelevel de_inferno" );
public citeste()
	get_mapname( g_sCurrentMap, charsmax ( g_sCurrentMap ) );
	strtolower( g_sCurrentMap );
	new szDatadir[ 64 ],g_szFile[128];
	get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", szDatadir, charsmax( szDatadir ) );
	formatex( szDatadir, charsmax( szDatadir ), "%s", szDatadir );
	if( !dir_exists( szDatadir ) )
		mkdir( szDatadir );
	formatex( g_szFile, charsmax( g_szFile ), "%s/hp_maps.ini", szDatadir );
	if( !file_exists( g_szFile ) ) {
		write_file( g_szFile, "// ^"Nume mapa^" ^"hp^" ^"acces meniu/grenade^"", -1 );
		write_file( g_szFile, "// ^"de_dust2^" ^"100^" ^"1^"", -1 );
	new Data[ 256 ], mapa[ 32 ], mapa2[32], hpmapa[16], arme[16];
	new iFile = fopen( g_szFile, "rt" );
	while( !feof( iFile ) ) {
		fgets( iFile, Data, charsmax( Data ) );
		parse( Data, mapa, charsmax(mapa), hpmapa, charsmax(hpmapa), arme, charsmax(arme) );
		replace_all(mapa, charsmax(mapa), " ", "")
		replace_all(g_sCurrentMap, charsmax(g_sCurrentMap), " ", "")
		if(equali(mapa, g_sCurrentMap)) {
			HP = str_to_num(hpmapa)
			Allowmap = str_to_num(arme)
	fclose( iFile );

	formatex( g_szFile, charsmax( g_szFile ), "%s/knife_maps.ini", szDatadir );
	if( !file_exists( g_szFile ) ) {
		write_file( g_szFile, "// Nume mapa", -1 );
		write_file( g_szFile, "// de_dust2", -1 );
	new sData[ 256 ];
	new iFile2 = fopen( g_szFile, "rt" );
	while( !feof( iFile2 ) ) {
		fgets( iFile2, sData, charsmax( sData ) );
		parse( sData, mapa2, charsmax(mapa2));

		if( equal( mapa2, g_sCurrentMap ) ) {
			test = 1
	fclose( iFile2 );
public fMessage ( ) chat_color ( 0, "%s In intervalul !g23:00 - 10:00!n singura mapa jucata este !gde_dust2, !giar toti jucatorii au !gGold VIP.", PREFIX );

public client_putinserver ( id ) {
	if(test == 1)

	if ( HappyHours )
		gold[id] = 1;
		return 1;
	new name[32]
	get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name))
	new szDatadir[ 64 ],g_szFile[128];
	get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", szDatadir, charsmax( szDatadir ) );
	formatex( szDatadir, charsmax( szDatadir ), "%s", szDatadir );
	if( !dir_exists( szDatadir ) )
		mkdir( szDatadir );
	formatex( g_szFile, charsmax( g_szFile ), "%s/vips.ini", szDatadir );
	if( !file_exists( g_szFile ) ) {
		write_file( g_szFile, "// ^"nume^" ^"flah vip^"", -1 );
		write_file( g_szFile, "// ^"zorken^" ^"bst^"", -1 );
	new sData[ 256 ], nume[32], flags[32];
	new iFile = fopen( g_szFile, "rt" );
	while( !feof( iFile ) ) {
		fgets( iFile, sData, charsmax( sData ) );
		if( !sData[ 0 ] || sData[ 0 ] == ';' || sData[ 0 ] == ' ' || ( sData[ 0 ] == '/' && sData[ 1 ] == '/' ) )
		parse( sData, nume, charsmax(nume), flags, charsmax(flags));
		if( equal( name, nume ) ) {
			if(equal(flags, "bst"))
				gold[id] = 1
			else if(equal(flags, "bt"))
				silver[id] = 1
	fclose( iFile );
	if ( gold[id] )
		chat_color ( 0, "%s !gPlayer!n *VIP*!t Gold %s!n has connected on this server.", PREFIX, get_name ( id ) );
	else if ( silver[id] )
		chat_color ( 0, "%s !gPlayer!n *VIP*!t Silver %s!n has connected on this server.", PREFIX, get_name ( id ) );
	return 0

public Player_Spawn ( id ) {
	if ( !is_user_connected ( id ) || !is_user_alive ( id ) )
		return 1;
	parachute_reset ( id );
	if ( gold[id] || silver[id] ) {
		fm_set_user_armor ( id, 100 );
		if(gold[id]) {
			fm_set_user_health ( id, HP );
			if ( CountRounds >= REQUIRED_ROUNDS && Allowmap )
				ShowGoldMenu ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
			if ( CountRounds >= REQUIRED_ROUNDS && Allowmap )
				ShowSilverMenu ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
	return 1;

public ShowGoldMenu ( id ) {
	new menu = menu_create ( "DG VIP", "GoldVIP_Handler" );
	if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 2 ) {
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r M4A1\w +\r Deagle", "1", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AUG\w +\r Deagle", "2", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Famas\w +\r Deagle", "3", 0 );
		if(CountRounds >= 4)
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r SG 550\w +\r Deagle", "4", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AWP\w +\r Deagle", "5", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r SG 550\w +\r Deagle\d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AWP\w +\r Deagle\d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
	else if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 1 ) {
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AK47\w +\r Deagle", "1", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r SG 552\w +\r Deagle", "2", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Galil\w +\r Deagle", "3", 0 );
		if(CountRounds >= 4)
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r G3SG1\w +\r Deagle", "4", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AWP\w +\r Deagle", "5", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r G3SG1\w +\r Deagle\d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AWP\w +\r Deagle\d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
	menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL );
	menu_display ( id, menu, 0 );
	return 1;

public GoldVIP_Handler ( id, menu, item ) { 
	if( item == MENU_EXIT || !is_user_connected ( id ) || !is_user_alive ( id ) ) {
		menu_destroy ( menu ); 
		return 1; 
	new data [ 6 ], szName [ 64 ];
	new access, callback;
	menu_item_getinfo ( menu, item, access, data,charsmax ( data ), szName,charsmax ( szName ), callback );
	new key = str_to_num ( data );
	if(key == 0)
		ShowGoldMenu ( id )

	if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 2 ) {
		switch ( key ) {
			case 1:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_m4a1" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g M4A1!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 2:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_aug" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_AUG, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g AUG!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 3:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_famas" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_FAMAS, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g Famas!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 4:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_sg550" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_SG550, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g SG 550!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 5:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_awp" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_AWP, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g AWP!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
	else if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 1 ) {
		switch ( key ) {
			case 1:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_ak47" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_AK47, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g AK47!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 2:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_sg552" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_SG552, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g SG552!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 3:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_galil" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_GALIL, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g Galil!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 4:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_g3sg1" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_G3SG1, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g G3SG1!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 5:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_awp" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_AWP, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g AWP!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
	return 1;

public ShowSilverMenu ( id ) {
	new menu = menu_create ( "SilverDG VIP", "SilverVIP_Handler" );
	if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 2 ) {
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AUG\w +\r USP", "1", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Famas\w +\r USP", "2", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r MP5\w +\r USP", "3", 0 );
		if(CountRounds >= 4)
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Sig 550\w +\r USP", "4", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Sig 550\w +\r USP/d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
	else if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 1 ) {
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Sig 552\w +\r USP", "1", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Galil\w +\r USP", "2", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r UMP45\w +\r USP", "3", 0 );
		if(CountRounds >= 4)
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r G3SG1\w +\r USP", "4", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r G3SG1\w +\r USP/d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
	menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL );
	menu_display ( id, menu, 0 );
	return 1;

public SilverVIP_Handler ( id, menu, item ) { 
	if( item == MENU_EXIT || !is_user_connected ( id ) || !is_user_alive ( id ) ) {
		menu_destroy ( menu ); 
		return 1; 
	new data [ 6 ], szName [ 64 ];
	new access, callback;
	menu_item_getinfo ( menu, item, access, data,charsmax ( data ), szName,charsmax ( szName ), callback );
	new key = str_to_num ( data );
	if(key == 0)
		ShowSilverMenu ( id )

	if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 2 ) {
		switch ( key ) {
			case 1:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_aug" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_AUG, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g AUG!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 2:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_famas" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_FAMAS, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g Famas!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 3:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_mp5navy" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_MP5NAVY, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g MP5!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 4:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_sg550" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_SG550, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g SG 550!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
	else if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 1 ) {
		switch ( key ) {
			case 1:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_sg552" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_SG552, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g SG 552!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 2:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_galil" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_GALIL, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g Galil!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 3:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_ump45" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_UMP45, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g UMP45!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 4:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_g3sg1" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_G3SG1, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g G3SG1!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
	return 1;

public hookDeathMsg ( ) {
	new iKiller = read_data(1);
	new iVictim = read_data(2);
	new iHeadShot = read_data(3);
	if (gold[iKiller]) {
		if(get_user_health ( iKiller ) < 100)
			if ( iHeadShot && get_user_health ( iKiller ) + 20 < 100 )
				fm_set_user_health ( iKiller, get_user_health ( iKiller ) + 20 );
			else if ( iHeadShot && get_user_health ( iKiller ) + 20 > 100 )
				fm_set_user_health ( iKiller, 100 );
			else {
				if ( get_user_health ( iKiller ) + 10 < 100 )
					fm_set_user_health ( iKiller, get_user_health ( iKiller ) + 10 );
					fm_set_user_health ( iKiller, 100 );	
		if ( iHeadShot )
			cs_set_user_money ( iKiller, cs_get_user_money ( iKiller ) + 200, 1 );
			cs_set_user_money ( iKiller, cs_get_user_money ( iKiller ) + 100, 1 ); 
	if(iHeadShot && get_user_flags(iKiller)  & read_flags ( "abcdefghijklmnopqrst" ))
	parachute_reset ( iVictim );

public hookNewRound ( ) {
	if ( !is_warmup_enable ( ) )

		if(CountRounds <= 4)
			set_task(10.0, "resetfreq")

		if(CountRounds > 2)
		CountRounds = 0

	client_cmd(0, "spk misc/preparenord.wav")
public clearleader()
	if(is_user_connected(lastT) && silver[lastT])
		silver[lastT] = 0

	if(is_user_connected(lastCT) && silver[lastCT])
		silver[lastCT] = 0

public leader()
	if(get_playersnum(1)-3 < 4)
		return 1;

	new killuriT = -1, killuriCT = -1, winT,winCT, remizaT, remizaCT
	for(new id;id< 32;id++)
			if(cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_T)
				if(killuriT < kill[id])
						remizaT = 0

					killuriT = kill[id]
					winT = id
				else if(killuriT == kill[id] && killuriT > 0)
					winT = -1
					killuriT = kill[id]
			else if(cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT)
				if(killuriCT < kill[id])
						remizaCT = 0

					killuriCT = kill[id]
					winCT = id
				else if(killuriCT == kill[id] && killuriCT > 0)
					winCT = -1
					killuriCT = kill[id]
	if(killuriCT > 0 && killuriCT != killuriT && !remizaCT)
		new name[32]
		get_user_name(winCT, name, charsmax(name))
		for(new id;id< 32;id++)
			if(is_user_connected(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT)
				chat_color(id, "%s Jucatorul %s este liderul echipei cu %d killuri", PREFIX, name, kill[winCT] );
		if(is_user_connected(lastCT) && lastCT != winCT)
			chat_color(lastCT, "%s Jucatorul %s te-a intrecut, a facut cu %d killuri mai multe ca tine.!", PREFIX,name,(kill[winCT]-kill[lastCT]));

		chat_color(winCT, "%s Felicitari, esti liderul echipei !", PREFIX);
		chat_color(winCT, "%s Ai primit 500$ pentru ca ai facut cele mai multe killuri!", PREFIX);
		cs_set_user_money(winCT, cs_get_user_money(winCT)+500)
		if(!gold[winCT] && !silver[winCT])
			silver[winCT] = 1
			lastCT = winCT
			Player_Spawn ( winCT )
	if(killuriT > 0 && killuriT != killuriCT && !remizaT)
		new name[32]
		get_user_name(winT, name, charsmax(name))
		for(new id;id< 32;id++)
			if(is_user_connected(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_T)
				chat_color(id, "%s Jucatorul %s este liderul echipei cu %d killuri", PREFIX, name,kill[winT] );
		if(is_user_connected(lastT) && lastCT != winT)
			chat_color(lastT, "%s Jucatorul %s te-a intrecut, a facut cu %d killuri mai multe ca tine.!", PREFIX,name,(kill[winT]-kill[lastT]));

		chat_color(winT, "%s Felicitari, esti liderul echipei !", PREFIX);
		chat_color(winT, "%s Ai primit 500$ pentru ca ai facut cele mai multe killuri!", PREFIX);
		cs_set_user_money(winT, cs_get_user_money(winT)+500)
		if(!gold[winT] && !silver[winT])
			silver[winT] = 1
			lastT = winT
			Player_Spawn ( winT )
	if(remizaCT > 1)
		for(new id;id< 32;id++)
			if(is_user_connected(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT)
				chat_color(id, "%s %d jucatori au facut aceleasi killuri", PREFIX, remizaCT );
				chat_color(id, "%s Prin urmare este remiza.", PREFIX);
	if(remizaT > 1)
		for(new id;id< 32;id++)
			if(is_user_connected(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_T)
				chat_color(id, "%s %d jucatori au facut aceleasi killuri", PREFIX, remizaT );
				chat_color(id, "%s Prin urmare este remiza.", PREFIX);
	if(killuriT == killuriCT)
		chat_color(0, "%s Nu exista niciun leader pentru ca e remiza.", PREFIX);
	return 0;
public resetfreq()
	for(new id;id< 32;id++)
		if(is_user_connected(id) && (gold[id]||silver[id]||lastCT == id||lastT == id))
			static ic[64]
			if(CountRounds < 3)
					format(ic, charsmax(ic), "Mai sunt %i runde pana devii un Gold VIP.", (3-CountRounds))
				else if(silver[id])
					format(ic, charsmax(ic), "Mai sunt %i runde pana devii un Silver VIP.", (3-CountRounds))
			else if(CountRounds == 3)
					formatex(ic, charsmax(ic), "Ai devenit un Gold VIP.")
				else if(silver[id])
					formatex(ic, charsmax(ic), "Ai devenit un Silver VIP.")
				else if(lastCT == id||lastT == id)
					formatex(ic, charsmax(ic), "Ai devenit un Leader.")
			else if(CountRounds == 4)
				formatex(ic, charsmax(ic), "New weapons have been unlocked")
			set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.20, 0, 0.5, 12.0, 2.0, 2.0, -1);
			show_hudmessage(id, "%s", ic);
public hookMessageScoreAttrib(const MsgId, const MsgType, const MsgDest) {
	new id;
	id = get_msg_arg_int(1);
	if(gold[id] && !get_msg_arg_int(2))
		set_msg_arg_int(2, ARG_BYTE, (1 << 2 ));

public hookOnDamage ( id ) {
	static attacker; attacker = get_user_attacker(id)
	static damage; damage = read_data(2)
	set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, 0.45, 0.50, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1)
	ShowSyncHudMsg(id, g_hudmsg2, "%i^n", damage)		
		set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1)
		ShowSyncHudMsg(attacker, g_hudmsg1, "%i^n", damage)				

// Parachute © KRoT@L/JTP10181 & Fixed sector

public client_connect(id)

public client_disconnect(id)
	gold[id] = 0
	silver[id] = 0
	kill[id] = 0

public client_PreThink(id)
   if(!is_user_connected ( id ) || !is_user_alive(id) || !(gold[id]||silver[id]) ) return
   new Float:fallspeed = 100 * -1.0
   new Float:frame
   new button = get_user_button(id)
   new oldbutton = get_user_oldbutton(id)
   new flags = get_entity_flags(id)
   if(para_ent[id] > 0 && (flags & FL_ONGROUND)) 
      if(fm_get_user_gravity(id) == 0.1) fm_set_user_gravity(id, 1.0)
         if(entity_get_int(para_ent[id],EV_INT_sequence) != 2) 
            entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_sequence, 2)
            entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1)
            entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_frame, 0.0)
            entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_fuser1, 0.0)
            entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_animtime, 0.0)
            entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_framerate, 0.0)
         frame = entity_get_float(para_ent[id],EV_FL_fuser1) + 2.0
         if(frame > 254.0) 
            para_ent[id] = 0
            fm_set_user_gravity(id, 1.0)
            para_ent[id] = 0
   if (button & IN_USE) 
      new Float:velocity[3]
      entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
      if(velocity[2] < 0.0) 
         if(para_ent[id] <= 0) 
            para_ent[id] = create_entity("info_target")
            if(para_ent[id] > 0) 
               entity_set_edict(para_ent[id], EV_ENT_aiment, id)
               entity_set_edict(para_ent[id], EV_ENT_owner, id)
               entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_FOLLOW)
               entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_sequence, 0)
               entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1)
               entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_frame, 0.0)
               entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_fuser1, 0.0)
         if(para_ent[id] > 0) 
            entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_sequence, 3)
            entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1)
            entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_frame, 1.0)
            entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_framerate, 1.0)
            fm_set_user_gravity(id, 0.1)
            velocity[2] = (velocity[2] + 40.0 < fallspeed) ? velocity[2] + 40.0 : fallspeed
            entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
            if(entity_get_int(para_ent[id],EV_INT_sequence) == 0) 
               frame = entity_get_float(para_ent[id],EV_FL_fuser1) + 1.0
               if (frame > 100.0) 
                  entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_animtime, 0.0)
                  entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_framerate, 0.4)
                  entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_sequence, 1)
                  entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1)
                  entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_frame, 0.0)
                  entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_fuser1, 0.0)
      else if(para_ent[id] > 0) 
         fm_set_user_gravity(id, 1.0)
         para_ent[id] = 0
   else if((oldbutton & IN_USE) && para_ent[id] > 0 ) 
      fm_set_user_gravity(id, 1.0)
      para_ent[id] = 0

stock parachute_reset(id)
	if(para_ent[id] > 0) 
		if (is_valid_ent(para_ent[id])) 
	if(is_user_alive(id)) fm_set_user_gravity(id, 1.0)
	para_ent[id] = 0

stock bacon_strip_weapon(index, weapon[]) {
	if(!equal(weapon, "weapon_", 7)) 
		return 0
	static weaponid 
	weaponid = get_weaponid(weapon)
		return 0
	static weaponent
	weaponent = fm_find_ent_by_owner(-1, weapon, index)
		return 0
	if(get_user_weapon(index) == weaponid) 
		ExecuteHamB(Ham_Weapon_RetireWeapon, weaponent)
	if(!ExecuteHamB(Ham_RemovePlayerItem, index, weaponent)) 
		return 0
	ExecuteHamB(Ham_Item_Kill, weaponent)
	set_pev(index, pev_weapons, pev(index, pev_weapons) & ~(1<<weaponid))
	return 1

stock StripHades ( id ) {
	new bool: grenade, bool: flashbang, bool: smoke, bool: c4;
	if ( user_has_weapon ( id, CSW_HEGRENADE ) )
		grenade = true;
	if ( user_has_weapon ( id, CSW_FLASHBANG ) )
		flashbang = true;
	if ( user_has_weapon ( id, CSW_SMOKEGRENADE ) )
		smoke = true;
	if ( user_has_weapon ( id, CSW_C4 ) )
		c4 = true;
	fm_strip_user_weapons ( id );
	fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_knife" );
	if ( grenade )
		fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
	if ( flashbang ) {
		fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
		fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
	if ( smoke )
		fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
	if ( c4 )
		fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_c4" );

stock chat_color(const id, const input[], any:...)
	new count = 1, players[32]
	static msg[320]
	vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4")
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!n", "^1")
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3")
	replace_all(msg, 190, "!t2", "^0")
	if (id)
		players[0] = id;
		get_players(players, count, "ch")
	for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if (is_user_connected(players))
			message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players)

stock get_name ( id ) { 
	new name [ 32 ]; 
	get_user_name( id, name, 31 ); 
	return name; 

| Afiseaza codul
// C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\1.10 - build 5390\DG_VIPSYSTEM.sma(91) : warning 233: symbol "strbreak" is marked as deprecated: Use argbreak() instead
// C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\1.10 - build 5390\DG_VIPSYSTEM.sma(103) : warning 233: symbol "strbreak" is marked as deprecated: Use argbreak() instead
// C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\1.10 - build 5390\DG_VIPSYSTEM.sma(183) : warning 225: unreachable code
// C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\1.10 - build 5390\DG_VIPSYSTEM.sma(1072) : warning 233: symbol "client_disconnect" is marked as deprecated: Use client_disconnected() instead.

Re: Problema plugin VIP

Posted: 24 Jan 2023, 22:26
by kidd0x
poti compila pluginul, ai doar avertizmente, si daca cautai putin pe net iti dadeai seama ca trebuia doar sa inlocuiesti in script functia marcata ca si "deprecata"" cu cea noua

Re: Problema plugin VIP

Posted: 25 Jan 2023, 08:48
by lexz

Code: Select all

/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>  
#include <fun>
#include <engine>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fakemeta_util>

    #define client_disconnected client_disconnect

#define PLUGIN "VIP System"
#define VERSION "1.9x" 
#define AUTHOR "God @ Dual-Gaming"

#define	PREFIX		"!g[GOLD VIP]!n"
#define	START_HOUR	21 
#define	END_HOUR	10


#define	TASKID_CHECKER	82371
#define	TASKID_MESSAGE	82121

new CountRounds = 0, g_sCurrentMap [ 32 ], bool: HappyHours = false;
new HP = 100, Allowmap = 1
new gold[33], silver[33]
new Limit[33]

// Advanced bullet damage © Sn!ff3r
new g_hudmsg1, g_hudmsg2;

// Parachute © KRoT@L/JTP10181 & Fixed sector
new para_ent [ 33 ];
new test
new kill[33]
native set_leader(id)
native delete_leader()
new lastCT, lastT
// Warmup
native is_warmup_enable ( );

public plugin_init ( ) {
	//new NAME_LICENTIAT[20];
   //	get_user_ip(0, NAME_LICENTIAT, charsmax(NAME_LICENTIAT), 1);

   	//if(equal(NAME_LICENTIAT, "")) {
	register_plugin ( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR );
	RegisterHam ( Ham_Spawn, "player", "Player_Spawn", 1 );
	register_message ( get_user_msgid ( "ScoreAttrib" ), "hookMessageScoreAttrib" );
	register_event ( "HLTV", "hookNewRound", "a", "1=0", "2=0" );
	register_logevent("clearleader", 2, "1=Round_End");
	register_event ( "DeathMsg", "hookDeathMsg", "a" );
	fChecker ( )
	set_task ( 60.0, "fChecker", TASKID_CHECKER, _, _, "b" );
	set_task ( 600.0, "fMessage", TASKID_MESSAGE, _, _, "b" );

	register_clcmd ( "say /rd", "fResetDeaths" );
	register_clcmd ( "say_team /rd", "fResetDeaths" );
	register_clcmd ( "say", "handleSay" )
	register_concmd("amx_givemoney", "givemoney")
	// Advanced bullet damage © Sn!ff3r
	register_event ( "Damage", "hookOnDamage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0" );	
	g_hudmsg1 = CreateHudSyncObj ( );
	g_hudmsg2 = CreateHudSyncObj ( );
public plugin_precache()
public handleSay(id)
		return 0;

	new args[64],comanda[18]
	read_args(args, charsmax(args))
	new arg1[9];
	new arg2[32];
	argbreak(args, arg1, charsmax(arg1), arg2, charsmax(arg2));
	formatex(comanda, charsmax(comanda), "/give")

	if (equal(arg1,comanda, strlen(comanda)+1))
		donate(id, arg2);

	return 0;
public donate(id, arg[])
	new to[32], count[10], player[32], player2[32];
	argbreak(arg, to, charsmax(to), count, charsmax(count));
	if (!to[0])
		chat_color(id, "^x04Jucatorul care la-ti scris nu este pe server");
		return 1;

	new reciever = cmd_target(id, to, (CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF));
	new nr = str_to_num(count)

	if (!reciever)
		chat_color(id, "^x04Jucatorul care la-ti scris nu este pe server");
		return 1;

	else if (cs_get_user_money(id) < nr )
		chat_color(id, "^x04Nu ai suficienti bani");
		return 1;

	else if (cs_get_user_money(reciever) >= 16000 )
		chat_color(id, "^x04Jucatorul care la-ti scris are nr. maxim de bani");
		return 1;
	get_user_name(id, player, charsmax(player))
	get_user_name(reciever, player2, charsmax(player2))
	if(cs_get_user_money(reciever)+nr > 16000)
		chat_color(id, "^x04Jucatorul %s va trece limita de bani, mai poate primi %d$",player2, (16000-cs_get_user_money(reciever)));
		return 1;
	chat_color(0, "^x04%s ^x01i-a dat lui ^x04%s ^x03%d^x04$",player,player2,nr);
	cs_set_user_money(id, cs_get_user_money(id)-nr)
	cs_set_user_money(reciever, cs_get_user_money(reciever)+nr)
	return 0;
public givemoney(id) {
    if(get_user_flags ( id ) & read_flags ( "abcdefghijklmnopqrst" ))
        new target_name[32]
        new Amount[10]
        read_argv(1, target_name, 31)
        read_argv(2, Amount, 9)
        if(equal(target_name, "") || equal(Amount, ""))
            console_print(id, "amx_givemoney <Nume> <Suma>")
            return 1
        new Money = str_to_num(Amount)
        if(Money <= 0)
            console_print(id, "Trebuie sa scrii o suma mai mare decat 0 !")
            return 1
        new iPlayer = cmd_target(id, target_name, 8)
            console_print(id, "Jucatorul %s nu a fost gasit !", target_name)
            return 1

        cs_set_user_money(iPlayer, cs_get_user_money(iPlayer)+Money)

        return 1
    console_print(id, "Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda !")
    return 1
public plugin_natives ( )
	register_native ( "is_happy_hours", "is_happy_hours", 1 );

public is_happy_hours ( ) return HappyHours;	

public fResetDeaths ( id ) {
	if(get_user_flags ( id ) & read_flags ( "abcdefghijklmnopqrst" ))
		cs_set_user_deaths ( id, 0 );
		chat_color ( id, "!g[NORD DEATHS]!n Ti-ai resetat decesele!" );
		if(gold[id] == 1 && Limit[id] < 3)
			Limit [ id ]++;
			cs_set_user_deaths ( id, 0 );
			chat_color ( id, "!g[DG DEATHS]!n Ti-ai resetat decesele, ti le mai poti reseta de %d ori!",(3-Limit[id]));
		else if(gold[id] == 1 && Limit[id] >= 3)
			chat_color ( id, "!g[DG DEATHS]!n Ai folosit nr maxim de /rd!" );

public fChecker ( ) {
	new Hour;
	time ( Hour, _, _ );
	if ( Hour >= START_HOUR || Hour < END_HOUR ) {

		HappyHours = true;
		chat_color ( 0, "!gHappyHours este in desfasurare!" )
		if ( equali ( g_sCurrentMap, "de_dust" ) == -1 )
			server_cmd ( "changelevel de_dust2" );
		else {
			set_cvar_num ( "mp_timelimit", 0 );
			static id;
			for ( id = 1; id <= get_maxplayers ( ); id++ )
				if ( is_user_connected ( id ) )
					gold[id] = true;
	else {
		if ( Hour >= END_HOUR && HappyHours ) {
			HappyHours = false;
			server_cmd ( "changelevel de_inferno" );
public citeste()
	get_mapname( g_sCurrentMap, charsmax ( g_sCurrentMap ) );
	strtolower( g_sCurrentMap );
	new szDatadir[ 64 ],g_szFile[128];
	get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", szDatadir, charsmax( szDatadir ) );
	formatex( szDatadir, charsmax( szDatadir ), "%s", szDatadir );
	if( !dir_exists( szDatadir ) )
		mkdir( szDatadir );
	formatex( g_szFile, charsmax( g_szFile ), "%s/hp_maps.ini", szDatadir );
	if( !file_exists( g_szFile ) ) {
		write_file( g_szFile, "// ^"Nume mapa^" ^"hp^" ^"acces meniu/grenade^"", -1 );
		write_file( g_szFile, "// ^"de_dust2^" ^"100^" ^"1^"", -1 );
	new Data[ 256 ], mapa[ 32 ], mapa2[32], hpmapa[16], arme[16];
	new iFile = fopen( g_szFile, "rt" );
	while( !feof( iFile ) ) {
		fgets( iFile, Data, charsmax( Data ) );
		parse( Data, mapa, charsmax(mapa), hpmapa, charsmax(hpmapa), arme, charsmax(arme) );
		replace_all(mapa, charsmax(mapa), " ", "")
		replace_all(g_sCurrentMap, charsmax(g_sCurrentMap), " ", "")
		if(equali(mapa, g_sCurrentMap)) {
			HP = str_to_num(hpmapa)
			Allowmap = str_to_num(arme)
	fclose( iFile );

	formatex( g_szFile, charsmax( g_szFile ), "%s/knife_maps.ini", szDatadir );
	if( !file_exists( g_szFile ) ) {
		write_file( g_szFile, "// Nume mapa", -1 );
		write_file( g_szFile, "// de_dust2", -1 );
	new sData[ 256 ];
	new iFile2 = fopen( g_szFile, "rt" );
	while( !feof( iFile2 ) ) {
		fgets( iFile2, sData, charsmax( sData ) );
		parse( sData, mapa2, charsmax(mapa2));

		if( equal( mapa2, g_sCurrentMap ) ) {
			test = 1
	fclose( iFile2 );
public fMessage ( ) chat_color ( 0, "%s In intervalul !g23:00 - 10:00!n singura mapa jucata este !gde_dust2, !giar toti jucatorii au !gGold VIP.", PREFIX );

public client_putinserver ( id ) {
	if(test == 1)

	if ( HappyHours )
		gold[id] = 1;
		return 1;
	new name[32]
	get_user_name(id, name, charsmax(name))
	new szDatadir[ 64 ],g_szFile[128];
	get_localinfo( "amxx_configsdir", szDatadir, charsmax( szDatadir ) );
	formatex( szDatadir, charsmax( szDatadir ), "%s", szDatadir );
	if( !dir_exists( szDatadir ) )
		mkdir( szDatadir );
	formatex( g_szFile, charsmax( g_szFile ), "%s/vips.ini", szDatadir );
	if( !file_exists( g_szFile ) ) {
		write_file( g_szFile, "// ^"nume^" ^"flah vip^"", -1 );
		write_file( g_szFile, "// ^"zorken^" ^"bst^"", -1 );
	new sData[ 256 ], nume[32], flags[32];
	new iFile = fopen( g_szFile, "rt" );
	while( !feof( iFile ) ) {
		fgets( iFile, sData, charsmax( sData ) );
		if( !sData[ 0 ] || sData[ 0 ] == ';' || sData[ 0 ] == ' ' || ( sData[ 0 ] == '/' && sData[ 1 ] == '/' ) )
		parse( sData, nume, charsmax(nume), flags, charsmax(flags));
		if( equal( name, nume ) ) {
			if(equal(flags, "bst"))
				gold[id] = 1
			else if(equal(flags, "bt"))
				silver[id] = 1
	fclose( iFile );
	if ( gold[id] )
		chat_color ( 0, "%s !gPlayer!n *VIP*!t Gold %s!n has connected on this server.", PREFIX, get_name ( id ) );
	else if ( silver[id] )
		chat_color ( 0, "%s !gPlayer!n *VIP*!t Silver %s!n has connected on this server.", PREFIX, get_name ( id ) );
	return 0

public Player_Spawn ( id ) {
	if ( !is_user_connected ( id ) || !is_user_alive ( id ) )
		return 1;
	parachute_reset ( id );
	if ( gold[id] || silver[id] ) {
		fm_set_user_armor ( id, 100 );
		if(gold[id]) {
			fm_set_user_health ( id, HP );
			if ( CountRounds >= REQUIRED_ROUNDS && Allowmap )
				ShowGoldMenu ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
			if ( CountRounds >= REQUIRED_ROUNDS && Allowmap )
				ShowSilverMenu ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
	return 1;

public ShowGoldMenu ( id ) {
	new menu = menu_create ( "DG VIP", "GoldVIP_Handler" );
	if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 2 ) {
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r M4A1\w +\r Deagle", "1", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AUG\w +\r Deagle", "2", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Famas\w +\r Deagle", "3", 0 );
		if(CountRounds >= 4)
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r SG 550\w +\r Deagle", "4", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AWP\w +\r Deagle", "5", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r SG 550\w +\r Deagle\d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AWP\w +\r Deagle\d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
	else if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 1 ) {
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AK47\w +\r Deagle", "1", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r SG 552\w +\r Deagle", "2", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Galil\w +\r Deagle", "3", 0 );
		if(CountRounds >= 4)
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r G3SG1\w +\r Deagle", "4", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AWP\w +\r Deagle", "5", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r G3SG1\w +\r Deagle\d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AWP\w +\r Deagle\d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
	menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL );
	menu_display ( id, menu, 0 );
	return 1;

public GoldVIP_Handler ( id, menu, item ) { 
	if( item == MENU_EXIT || !is_user_connected ( id ) || !is_user_alive ( id ) ) {
		menu_destroy ( menu ); 
		return 1; 
	new data [ 6 ], szName [ 64 ];
	new access, callback;
	menu_item_getinfo ( menu, item, access, data,charsmax ( data ), szName,charsmax ( szName ), callback );
	new key = str_to_num ( data );
	if(key == 0)
		ShowGoldMenu ( id )

	if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 2 ) {
		switch ( key ) {
			case 1:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_m4a1" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_M4A1, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g M4A1!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 2:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_aug" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_AUG, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g AUG!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 3:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_famas" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_FAMAS, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g Famas!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 4:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_sg550" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_SG550, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g SG 550!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 5:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_awp" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_AWP, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g AWP!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
	else if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 1 ) {
		switch ( key ) {
			case 1:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_ak47" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_AK47, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g AK47!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 2:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_sg552" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_SG552, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g SG552!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 3:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_galil" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_GALIL, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g Galil!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 4:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_g3sg1" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_G3SG1, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g G3SG1!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
			case 5:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_awp" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_deagle" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_AWP, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_DEAGLE, 30 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g AWP!n si !gDeagle!n !", PREFIX );
	return 1;

public ShowSilverMenu ( id ) {
	new menu = menu_create ( "SilverDG VIP", "SilverVIP_Handler" );
	if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 2 ) {
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r AUG\w +\r USP", "1", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Famas\w +\r USP", "2", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r MP5\w +\r USP", "3", 0 );
		if(CountRounds >= 4)
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Sig 550\w +\r USP", "4", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Sig 550\w +\r USP/d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
	else if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 1 ) {
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Sig 552\w +\r USP", "1", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r Galil\w +\r USP", "2", 0 );
		menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r UMP45\w +\r USP", "3", 0 );
		if(CountRounds >= 4)
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r G3SG1\w +\r USP", "4", 0 );
			menu_additem ( menu, "\wGet\r G3SG1\w +\r USP/d[Round 4]", "0", 0 );
	menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL );
	menu_display ( id, menu, 0 );
	return 1;

public SilverVIP_Handler ( id, menu, item ) { 
	if( item == MENU_EXIT || !is_user_connected ( id ) || !is_user_alive ( id ) ) {
		menu_destroy ( menu ); 
		return 1; 
	new data [ 6 ], szName [ 64 ];
	new access, callback;
	menu_item_getinfo ( menu, item, access, data,charsmax ( data ), szName,charsmax ( szName ), callback );
	new key = str_to_num ( data );
	if(key == 0)
		ShowSilverMenu ( id )

	if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 2 ) {
		switch ( key ) {
			case 1:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_aug" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_AUG, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g AUG!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 2:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_famas" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_FAMAS, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g Famas!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 3:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_mp5navy" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_MP5NAVY, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g MP5!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 4:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_sg550" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_SG550, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g SG 550!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
	else if ( get_user_team ( id ) == 1 ) {
		switch ( key ) {
			case 1:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_sg552" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_SG552, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g SG 552!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 2:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_galil" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_GALIL, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g Galil!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 3:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_ump45" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_UMP45, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g UMP45!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
			case 4:
				StripHades ( id );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_g3sg1" );
				fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_usp" );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_G3SG1, 90 );
				cs_set_user_bpammo ( id, CSW_USP, 90 );
				chat_color ( id, "%s Ai primit!g G3SG1!n si !gUSP!n !", PREFIX );
	return 1;

public hookDeathMsg ( ) {
	new iKiller = read_data(1);
	new iVictim = read_data(2);
	new iHeadShot = read_data(3);
	if (gold[iKiller]) {
		if(get_user_health ( iKiller ) < 100)
			if ( iHeadShot && get_user_health ( iKiller ) + 20 < 100 )
				fm_set_user_health ( iKiller, get_user_health ( iKiller ) + 20 );
			else if ( iHeadShot && get_user_health ( iKiller ) + 20 > 100 )
				fm_set_user_health ( iKiller, 100 );
			else {
				if ( get_user_health ( iKiller ) + 10 < 100 )
					fm_set_user_health ( iKiller, get_user_health ( iKiller ) + 10 );
					fm_set_user_health ( iKiller, 100 );	
		if ( iHeadShot )
			cs_set_user_money ( iKiller, cs_get_user_money ( iKiller ) + 200, 1 );
			cs_set_user_money ( iKiller, cs_get_user_money ( iKiller ) + 100, 1 ); 
	if(iHeadShot && get_user_flags(iKiller)  & read_flags ( "abcdefghijklmnopqrst" ))
	parachute_reset ( iVictim );

public hookNewRound ( ) {
	if ( !is_warmup_enable ( ) )

		if(CountRounds <= 4)
			set_task(10.0, "resetfreq")

		if(CountRounds > 2)
		CountRounds = 0

	client_cmd(0, "spk misc/preparenord.wav")
public clearleader()
	if(is_user_connected(lastT) && silver[lastT])
		silver[lastT] = 0

	if(is_user_connected(lastCT) && silver[lastCT])
		silver[lastCT] = 0

public leader()
	if(get_playersnum(1)-3 < 4)
		return 1;

	new killuriT = -1, killuriCT = -1, winT,winCT, remizaT, remizaCT
	for(new id;id< 32;id++)
			if(cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_T)
				if(killuriT < kill[id])
						remizaT = 0

					killuriT = kill[id]
					winT = id
				else if(killuriT == kill[id] && killuriT > 0)
					winT = -1
					killuriT = kill[id]
			else if(cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT)
				if(killuriCT < kill[id])
						remizaCT = 0

					killuriCT = kill[id]
					winCT = id
				else if(killuriCT == kill[id] && killuriCT > 0)
					winCT = -1
					killuriCT = kill[id]
	if(killuriCT > 0 && killuriCT != killuriT && !remizaCT)
		new name[32]
		get_user_name(winCT, name, charsmax(name))
		for(new id;id< 32;id++)
			if(is_user_connected(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT)
				chat_color(id, "%s Jucatorul %s este liderul echipei cu %d killuri", PREFIX, name, kill[winCT] );
		if(is_user_connected(lastCT) && lastCT != winCT)
			chat_color(lastCT, "%s Jucatorul %s te-a intrecut, a facut cu %d killuri mai multe ca tine.!", PREFIX,name,(kill[winCT]-kill[lastCT]));

		chat_color(winCT, "%s Felicitari, esti liderul echipei !", PREFIX);
		chat_color(winCT, "%s Ai primit 500$ pentru ca ai facut cele mai multe killuri!", PREFIX);
		cs_set_user_money(winCT, cs_get_user_money(winCT)+500)
		if(!gold[winCT] && !silver[winCT])
			silver[winCT] = 1
			lastCT = winCT
			Player_Spawn ( winCT )
	if(killuriT > 0 && killuriT != killuriCT && !remizaT)
		new name[32]
		get_user_name(winT, name, charsmax(name))
		for(new id;id< 32;id++)
			if(is_user_connected(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_T)
				chat_color(id, "%s Jucatorul %s este liderul echipei cu %d killuri", PREFIX, name,kill[winT] );
		if(is_user_connected(lastT) && lastCT != winT)
			chat_color(lastT, "%s Jucatorul %s te-a intrecut, a facut cu %d killuri mai multe ca tine.!", PREFIX,name,(kill[winT]-kill[lastT]));

		chat_color(winT, "%s Felicitari, esti liderul echipei !", PREFIX);
		chat_color(winT, "%s Ai primit 500$ pentru ca ai facut cele mai multe killuri!", PREFIX);
		cs_set_user_money(winT, cs_get_user_money(winT)+500)
		if(!gold[winT] && !silver[winT])
			silver[winT] = 1
			lastT = winT
			Player_Spawn ( winT )
	if(remizaCT > 1)
		for(new id;id< 32;id++)
			if(is_user_connected(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT)
				chat_color(id, "%s %d jucatori au facut aceleasi killuri", PREFIX, remizaCT );
				chat_color(id, "%s Prin urmare este remiza.", PREFIX);
	if(remizaT > 1)
		for(new id;id< 32;id++)
			if(is_user_connected(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_T)
				chat_color(id, "%s %d jucatori au facut aceleasi killuri", PREFIX, remizaT );
				chat_color(id, "%s Prin urmare este remiza.", PREFIX);
	if(killuriT == killuriCT)
		chat_color(0, "%s Nu exista niciun leader pentru ca e remiza.", PREFIX);
	return 0;
public resetfreq()
	for(new id;id< 32;id++)
		if(is_user_connected(id) && (gold[id]||silver[id]||lastCT == id||lastT == id))
			static ic[64]
			if(CountRounds < 3)
					format(ic, charsmax(ic), "Mai sunt %i runde pana devii un Gold VIP.", (3-CountRounds))
				else if(silver[id])
					format(ic, charsmax(ic), "Mai sunt %i runde pana devii un Silver VIP.", (3-CountRounds))
			else if(CountRounds == 3)
					formatex(ic, charsmax(ic), "Ai devenit un Gold VIP.")
				else if(silver[id])
					formatex(ic, charsmax(ic), "Ai devenit un Silver VIP.")
				else if(lastCT == id||lastT == id)
					formatex(ic, charsmax(ic), "Ai devenit un Leader.")
			else if(CountRounds == 4)
				formatex(ic, charsmax(ic), "New weapons have been unlocked")
			set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.20, 0, 0.5, 12.0, 2.0, 2.0, -1);
			show_hudmessage(id, "%s", ic);
public hookMessageScoreAttrib(const MsgId, const MsgType, const MsgDest) {
	new id;
	id = get_msg_arg_int(1);
	if(gold[id] && !get_msg_arg_int(2))
		set_msg_arg_int(2, ARG_BYTE, (1 << 2 ));

public hookOnDamage ( id ) {
	static attacker; attacker = get_user_attacker(id)
	static damage; damage = read_data(2)
	set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, 0.45, 0.50, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1)
	ShowSyncHudMsg(id, g_hudmsg2, "%i^n", damage)		
		set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1)
		ShowSyncHudMsg(attacker, g_hudmsg1, "%i^n", damage)				

// Parachute © KRoT@L/JTP10181 & Fixed sector

public client_connect(id)

public client_disconnected(id)
	gold[id] = 0
	silver[id] = 0
	kill[id] = 0

public client_PreThink(id)
   if(!is_user_connected ( id ) || !is_user_alive(id) || !(gold[id]||silver[id]) ) return
   new Float:fallspeed = 100 * -1.0
   new Float:frame
   new button = get_user_button(id)
   new oldbutton = get_user_oldbutton(id)
   new flags = get_entity_flags(id)
   if(para_ent[id] > 0 && (flags & FL_ONGROUND)) 
      if(fm_get_user_gravity(id) == 0.1) fm_set_user_gravity(id, 1.0)
         if(entity_get_int(para_ent[id],EV_INT_sequence) != 2) 
            entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_sequence, 2)
            entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1)
            entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_frame, 0.0)
            entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_fuser1, 0.0)
            entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_animtime, 0.0)
            entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_framerate, 0.0)
         frame = entity_get_float(para_ent[id],EV_FL_fuser1) + 2.0
         if(frame > 254.0) 
            para_ent[id] = 0
            fm_set_user_gravity(id, 1.0)
            para_ent[id] = 0
   if (button & IN_USE) 
      new Float:velocity[3]
      entity_get_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
      if(velocity[2] < 0.0) 
         if(para_ent[id] <= 0) 
            para_ent[id] = create_entity("info_target")
            if(para_ent[id] > 0) 
               entity_set_edict(para_ent[id], EV_ENT_aiment, id)
               entity_set_edict(para_ent[id], EV_ENT_owner, id)
               entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_FOLLOW)
               entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_sequence, 0)
               entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1)
               entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_frame, 0.0)
               entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_fuser1, 0.0)
         if(para_ent[id] > 0) 
            entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_sequence, 3)
            entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1)
            entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_frame, 1.0)
            entity_set_float(id, EV_FL_framerate, 1.0)
            fm_set_user_gravity(id, 0.1)
            velocity[2] = (velocity[2] + 40.0 < fallspeed) ? velocity[2] + 40.0 : fallspeed
            entity_set_vector(id, EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
            if(entity_get_int(para_ent[id],EV_INT_sequence) == 0) 
               frame = entity_get_float(para_ent[id],EV_FL_fuser1) + 1.0
               if (frame > 100.0) 
                  entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_animtime, 0.0)
                  entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_framerate, 0.4)
                  entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_sequence, 1)
                  entity_set_int(para_ent[id], EV_INT_gaitsequence, 1)
                  entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_frame, 0.0)
                  entity_set_float(para_ent[id], EV_FL_fuser1, 0.0)
      else if(para_ent[id] > 0) 
         fm_set_user_gravity(id, 1.0)
         para_ent[id] = 0
   else if((oldbutton & IN_USE) && para_ent[id] > 0 ) 
      fm_set_user_gravity(id, 1.0)
      para_ent[id] = 0

stock parachute_reset(id)
	if(para_ent[id] > 0) 
		if (is_valid_ent(para_ent[id])) 
	if(is_user_alive(id)) fm_set_user_gravity(id, 1.0)
	para_ent[id] = 0

stock bacon_strip_weapon(index, weapon[]) {
	if(!equal(weapon, "weapon_", 7)) 
		return 0
	static weaponid 
	weaponid = get_weaponid(weapon)
		return 0
	static weaponent
	weaponent = fm_find_ent_by_owner(-1, weapon, index)
		return 0
	if(get_user_weapon(index) == weaponid) 
		ExecuteHamB(Ham_Weapon_RetireWeapon, weaponent)
	if(!ExecuteHamB(Ham_RemovePlayerItem, index, weaponent)) 
		return 0
	ExecuteHamB(Ham_Item_Kill, weaponent)
	set_pev(index, pev_weapons, pev(index, pev_weapons) & ~(1<<weaponid))
	return 1

stock StripHades ( id ) {
	new bool: grenade, bool: flashbang, bool: smoke, bool: c4;
	if ( user_has_weapon ( id, CSW_HEGRENADE ) )
		grenade = true;
	if ( user_has_weapon ( id, CSW_FLASHBANG ) )
		flashbang = true;
	if ( user_has_weapon ( id, CSW_SMOKEGRENADE ) )
		smoke = true;
	if ( user_has_weapon ( id, CSW_C4 ) )
		c4 = true;
	fm_strip_user_weapons ( id );
	fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_knife" );
	if ( grenade )
		fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
	if ( flashbang ) {
		fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
		fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
	if ( smoke )
		fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
	if ( c4 )
		fm_give_item ( id, "weapon_c4" );

stock chat_color(const id, const input[], any:...)
    new count = 1, players[32]
    static msg[320]
    vformat(msg, 190, input, 3)
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4")
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!n", "^1")
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3")
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!t2", "^0")
    if (id)
        players[0] = id;
        get_players(players, count, "ch")
    for (new i = 0, iPlayer; i < count; i++)
        iPlayer = players[i]
        if (is_user_connected(iPlayer))
            message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, iPlayer)

stock get_name ( id ) { 
	new name [ 32 ]; 
	get_user_name( id, name, 31 ); 
	return name; 

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