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Cerere plugin anti overflow

Posted: 27 Apr 2018, 18:57
by Astaroth
Salut! Doresc si eu un plugin anti overflow..Tin sa mentionez ca pe server ruleaza addonsul furien 4.0 al lui Aragon si ca am decat 5 mesaje in ad_manager.

Re: Cerere plugin anti overflow

Posted: 27 Apr 2018, 21:21
by faKe91
Nu exista asa ceva. Poti doar ascunde mesajele de overflow din consola. Jucatorii oricum vor primi overflow, daca au de primit. Faci hook pe functia SV_DropClient folosind orpheu. Ar mai fi o idee sa trimiti clientului comanda "retry" dupa ce acesta a primit overflow, insa functia client_cmd e practic blocata de toate guardurile. Deci e inutil. Raman doar jucatorii steam carora le poti trimite comanda "retry" cu svc_director.

Re: Cerere plugin anti overflow

Posted: 27 Apr 2018, 22:44
by Astaroth
Am rehlds deci abandonam ideea cu orpheu...

Re: Cerere plugin anti overflow

Posted: 28 Apr 2018, 00:09
by faKe91
Vei avea nevoie de modului reapi ...
| Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>
#include <reapi>

#define RETRY_ON_KICK // Daca nu vrei ca jucatorii care primesc overflow sa se reconecteze (retry), atunci comenteaza aceasta linie

enum CVAR

new g_Cvars[CVAR] = {0, };

new g_PlayerWarns[33];

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Anti overflow", "1.0", "Some Author");

	g_Cvars[CVAR_MAX_WARNS] = register_cvar("amx_overflow_max_warns", "5");
	g_Cvars[CVAR_RESET_TIME] = register_cvar("amx_overflow_reset_time", "10");

	RegisterHookChain(RH_SV_DropClient, "SV_DropClient", false); 

public SV_DropClient(id, crash, const message[])
	new ret = HC_CONTINUE;

	if(containi(message, "Reliable channel overflowed") != -1)
		if(g_PlayerWarns[id]++ < get_pcvar_num(g_Cvars[CVAR_MAX_WARNS]))
			set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_Cvars[CVAR_RESET_TIME]), "reset_warns", id);
			ret = HC_BREAK;
#if defined RETRY_ON_KICK
                send_director_cmd(id, "retry");
                client_cmd(id, "retry");
			ret = HC_CONTINUE;
	return ret;

public reset_warns(id)
	g_PlayerWarns[id] = 0;

public client_connect(id)
	g_PlayerWarns[id] = 0;

stock send_director_cmd(id, text[])
    message_begin(MSG_ONE, SVC_DIRECTOR, _, id);
    write_byte(strlen(text) + 2);
Sunt 2 cvaruri:
1) amx_overflow_max_warns - numarul maxim de avertizari pentru overflow, dupa care jucatorul va fi deconectat de pe server
2) amx_overflow_reset_time - intervalul de timp in secunde, in care daca jucatorul nu mai primeste overflow, avertizarile se reseteaza

In caz ca e activat define-ul RETRY_ON_KICK in loc de kick se va executa comanda retry in consola jucatorului. Functioneaza doar pentru jucatorii steam, dupa cum am spus mai sus, pentru ca marea majoritate a guardurilor, blocheaza comanda retry. In caz ca nu ai nevoie de aceasta optiune, poti comenta define-ul cu //

Ca sa nu stai sa astepti pana cineva primeste overflow, uite aici un plugin care va da 100% overflow asupra celui care executa comanda amx_overflow. Executa comanda amx_overflow de X+1 ori in consola ca sa vezi rezultatul, unde X e valoarea cvarului amx_overflow_max_warns
| Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Overflow Me", "1.0", "Some Author");

	register_clcmd("amx_overflow", "please_overflow_me");

public please_overflow_me(id)
	for(new i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
		message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, id);
		write_string("Hello World! ^1Hello World");

Re: Cerere plugin anti overflow

Posted: 28 Apr 2018, 10:05
by faKe91
Varianta pentru hlds cu orpheu
| Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <orpheu>

#define RETRY_ON_KICK // Daca nu vrei ca jucatorii care primesc overflow sa se reconecteze pe server (retry), atunci comenteaza aceasta linie

enum CVAR

new g_Cvars[CVAR] = {0, };

new g_ClientPtr, g_ElementSize, g_EntityOffset;

new g_PlayerWarns[33];
new g_DisconnectForward;

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Anti overflow", "1.0", "Some Author");

	g_Cvars[CVAR_MAX_WARNS] = register_cvar("amx_overflow_max_warns", "5");
	g_Cvars[CVAR_RESET_TIME] = register_cvar("amx_overflow_reset_time", "10");

	OrpheuRegisterHook(OrpheuGetFunction("SV_DropClient"), "SV_DropClient", OrpheuHookPre);	
	g_DisconnectForward = register_forward(FM_ClientDisconnect, "ClientDisconnect");	

public OrpheuHookReturn:SV_DropClient(clientPtr, crash, const message[]) 
	new ret = _:OrpheuIgnored;

	if(g_ElementSize && g_EntityOffset)
		if(containi(message, "Reliable channel overflowed") != -1)
			new id = (clientPtr - g_EntityOffset) / g_ElementSize;

			if(g_PlayerWarns[id]++ < get_pcvar_num(g_Cvars[CVAR_MAX_WARNS]))
				set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_Cvars[CVAR_RESET_TIME]), "reset_warns", id);
				ret = _:OrpheuSupercede;
#if defined RETRY_ON_KICK
                    send_director_cmd(id, "retry");
                    client_cmd(id, "retry");
				ret = _:OrpheuIgnored;
		if(containi(message, "Reliable channel overflowed") != -1)
			ret = _:OrpheuSupercede;

		g_ClientPtr = clientPtr;

	return OrpheuHookReturn:ret;

public reset_warns(id)
	g_PlayerWarns[id] = 0;

public client_connect(id)
	g_PlayerWarns[id] = 0;

public ClientDisconnect(id)
	static entityId = 0, lastPointer = 0;
		if(entityId && entityId != id)
			g_ElementSize = abs((g_ClientPtr - lastPointer) / (id - entityId));
			g_EntityOffset = abs(g_ClientPtr - (id * g_ElementSize));
			unregister_forward(FM_ClientDisconnect, g_DisconnectForward);
			lastPointer = g_ClientPtr;
			entityId = id;

#if defined RETRY_ON_KICK
stock bool:is_user_steam(id)
    static iPointer;
    if(iPointer || (iPointer = get_cvar_pointer("dp_r_id_provider")))
        server_cmd("dp_clientinfo %d", id);
        return (get_pcvar_num(iPointer) == 2);
    return false;

stock send_director_cmd(id, text[])
    message_begin(MSG_ONE, SVC_DIRECTOR, _, id);
    write_byte(strlen(text) + 2);
SV_DropClient | Afiseaza codul
    "name" : "SV_DropClient",
    "library" : "engine",
    "arguments" :
            "type" : "int"
            "type" : "int"
            "type" : "char *"
            "os" : "windows",
            "mod" : "cstrike",
            "value" : [0x55,0x8B,"*",0x81,"*","*","*","*","*",0x8B,0x4D,"*",0x53,0x56,0x8D,0x45,"*",0x57,0x50,0x51,0x8D,0x95]
            "os"    : "linux",
            "mod"   : "cstrike",
            "value" : "SV_DropClient"

Re: Cerere plugin anti overflow

Posted: 01 May 2018, 13:52
by Astaroth
faKe91 wrote:Vei avea nevoie de modului reapi ...
| Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>
#include <reapi>

#define RETRY_ON_KICK // Daca nu vrei ca jucatorii care primesc overflow sa se reconecteze (retry), atunci comenteaza aceasta linie

enum CVAR

new g_Cvars[CVAR] = {0, };

new g_PlayerWarns[33];

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Anti overflow", "1.0", "Some Author");

	g_Cvars[CVAR_MAX_WARNS] = register_cvar("amx_overflow_max_warns", "5");
	g_Cvars[CVAR_RESET_TIME] = register_cvar("amx_overflow_reset_time", "10");

	RegisterHookChain(RH_SV_DropClient, "SV_DropClient", false); 

public SV_DropClient(id, crash, const message[])
	new ret = HC_CONTINUE;

	if(containi(message, "Reliable channel overflowed") != -1)
		if(g_PlayerWarns[id]++ < get_pcvar_num(g_Cvars[CVAR_MAX_WARNS]))
			set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_Cvars[CVAR_RESET_TIME]), "reset_warns", id);
			ret = HC_BREAK;
#if defined RETRY_ON_KICK
                send_director_cmd(id, "retry");
                client_cmd(id, "retry");
			ret = HC_CONTINUE;
	return ret;

public reset_warns(id)
	g_PlayerWarns[id] = 0;

public client_connect(id)
	g_PlayerWarns[id] = 0;

stock send_director_cmd(id, text[])
    message_begin(MSG_ONE, SVC_DIRECTOR, _, id);
    write_byte(strlen(text) + 2);
Sunt 2 cvaruri:
1) amx_overflow_max_warns - numarul maxim de avertizari pentru overflow, dupa care jucatorul va fi deconectat de pe server
2) amx_overflow_reset_time - intervalul de timp in secunde, in care daca jucatorul nu mai primeste overflow, avertizarile se reseteaza

In caz ca e activat define-ul RETRY_ON_KICK in loc de kick se va executa comanda retry in consola jucatorului. Functioneaza doar pentru jucatorii steam, dupa cum am spus mai sus, pentru ca marea majoritate a guardurilor, blocheaza comanda retry. In caz ca nu ai nevoie de aceasta optiune, poti comenta define-ul cu //

Ca sa nu stai sa astepti pana cineva primeste overflow, uite aici un plugin care va da 100% overflow asupra celui care executa comanda amx_overflow. Executa comanda amx_overflow de X+1 ori in consola ca sa vezi rezultatul, unde X e valoarea cvarului amx_overflow_max_warns
| Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Overflow Me", "1.0", "Some Author");

	register_clcmd("amx_overflow", "please_overflow_me");

public please_overflow_me(id)
	for(new i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
		message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, id);
		write_string("Hello World! ^1Hello World");
Eroare la compilare:

Code: Select all

 antioverflow.txt(44) : error 017: undefined symbol "is_user_steam"

1 Error.
Compilarea a esuat!

Re: Cerere plugin anti overflow

Posted: 01 May 2018, 14:52
Astaroth wrote:
faKe91 wrote:Vei avea nevoie de modului reapi ...
| Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>
#include <reapi>

#define RETRY_ON_KICK // Daca nu vrei ca jucatorii care primesc overflow sa se reconecteze (retry), atunci comenteaza aceasta linie

enum CVAR

new g_Cvars[CVAR] = {0, };

new g_PlayerWarns[33];

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Anti overflow", "1.0", "Some Author");

	g_Cvars[CVAR_MAX_WARNS] = register_cvar("amx_overflow_max_warns", "5");
	g_Cvars[CVAR_RESET_TIME] = register_cvar("amx_overflow_reset_time", "10");

	RegisterHookChain(RH_SV_DropClient, "SV_DropClient", false); 

public SV_DropClient(id, crash, const message[])
	new ret = HC_CONTINUE;

	if(containi(message, "Reliable channel overflowed") != -1)
		if(g_PlayerWarns[id]++ < get_pcvar_num(g_Cvars[CVAR_MAX_WARNS]))
			set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_Cvars[CVAR_RESET_TIME]), "reset_warns", id);
			ret = HC_BREAK;
#if defined RETRY_ON_KICK
                send_director_cmd(id, "retry");
                client_cmd(id, "retry");
			ret = HC_CONTINUE;
	return ret;

public reset_warns(id)
	g_PlayerWarns[id] = 0;

public client_connect(id)
	g_PlayerWarns[id] = 0;

stock send_director_cmd(id, text[])
    message_begin(MSG_ONE, SVC_DIRECTOR, _, id);
    write_byte(strlen(text) + 2);
Sunt 2 cvaruri:
1) amx_overflow_max_warns - numarul maxim de avertizari pentru overflow, dupa care jucatorul va fi deconectat de pe server
2) amx_overflow_reset_time - intervalul de timp in secunde, in care daca jucatorul nu mai primeste overflow, avertizarile se reseteaza

In caz ca e activat define-ul RETRY_ON_KICK in loc de kick se va executa comanda retry in consola jucatorului. Functioneaza doar pentru jucatorii steam, dupa cum am spus mai sus, pentru ca marea majoritate a guardurilor, blocheaza comanda retry. In caz ca nu ai nevoie de aceasta optiune, poti comenta define-ul cu //

Ca sa nu stai sa astepti pana cineva primeste overflow, uite aici un plugin care va da 100% overflow asupra celui care executa comanda amx_overflow. Executa comanda amx_overflow de X+1 ori in consola ca sa vezi rezultatul, unde X e valoarea cvarului amx_overflow_max_warns
| Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Overflow Me", "1.0", "Some Author");

	register_clcmd("amx_overflow", "please_overflow_me");

public please_overflow_me(id)
	for(new i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
		message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, id);
		write_string("Hello World! ^1Hello World");
Eroare la compilare:

Code: Select all

 antioverflow.txt(44) : error 017: undefined symbol "is_user_steam"

1 Error.
Compilarea a esuat!
Adauga codul de mai jos la finalul sursei tale:
| Afiseaza codul
#if defined RETRY_ON_KICK
stock bool:is_user_steam(id)
    static iPointer;
    if(iPointer || (iPointer = get_cvar_pointer("dp_r_id_provider")))
        server_cmd("dp_clientinfo %d", id);
        return (get_pcvar_num(iPointer) == 2);
    return false;

stock send_director_cmd(id, text[])
    message_begin(MSG_ONE, SVC_DIRECTOR, _, id);
    write_byte(strlen(text) + 2);

Re: Cerere plugin anti overflow

Posted: 01 May 2018, 15:14
by Astaroth
YONTU wrote: Adauga codul de mai jos la finalul sursei tale:
| Afiseaza codul
#if defined RETRY_ON_KICK
stock bool:is_user_steam(id)
    static iPointer;
    if(iPointer || (iPointer = get_cvar_pointer("dp_r_id_provider")))
        server_cmd("dp_clientinfo %d", id);
        return (get_pcvar_num(iPointer) == 2);
    return false;

stock send_director_cmd(id, text[])
    message_begin(MSG_ONE, SVC_DIRECTOR, _, id);
    write_byte(strlen(text) + 2);
9 erori..

Code: Select all

antioverflow.txt(44) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
antioverflow.txt(44) : warning 221: label name "bool" shadows tag name
antioverflow.txt(44) : error 017: undefined symbol "is_user_steam"
antioverflow.txt(58) : warning 225: unreachable code
antioverflow.txt(58) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
antioverflow.txt(58) : error 017: undefined symbol "send_director_cmd"
antioverflow.txt(61) : error 017: undefined symbol "text"
antioverflow.txt(61) : error 001: expected token: ",", but found ";"
antioverflow.txt(63) : error 017: undefined symbol "text"
antioverflow.txt(63) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
antioverflow.txt(66) : error 001: expected token: "}", but found "-end of file-"

9 Errors.
Compilarea a esuat!

Re: Cerere plugin anti overflow

Posted: 01 May 2018, 19:24
by faKe91
YONTU wrote:
Astaroth wrote:
faKe91 wrote:Vei avea nevoie de modului reapi ...
| Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>
#include <reapi>

#define RETRY_ON_KICK // Daca nu vrei ca jucatorii care primesc overflow sa se reconecteze (retry), atunci comenteaza aceasta linie

enum CVAR

new g_Cvars[CVAR] = {0, };

new g_PlayerWarns[33];

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Anti overflow", "1.0", "Some Author");

	g_Cvars[CVAR_MAX_WARNS] = register_cvar("amx_overflow_max_warns", "5");
	g_Cvars[CVAR_RESET_TIME] = register_cvar("amx_overflow_reset_time", "10");

	RegisterHookChain(RH_SV_DropClient, "SV_DropClient", false); 

public SV_DropClient(id, crash, const message[])
	new ret = HC_CONTINUE;

	if(containi(message, "Reliable channel overflowed") != -1)
		if(g_PlayerWarns[id]++ < get_pcvar_num(g_Cvars[CVAR_MAX_WARNS]))
			set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_Cvars[CVAR_RESET_TIME]), "reset_warns", id);
			ret = HC_BREAK;
#if defined RETRY_ON_KICK
                send_director_cmd(id, "retry");
                client_cmd(id, "retry");
			ret = HC_CONTINUE;
	return ret;

public reset_warns(id)
	g_PlayerWarns[id] = 0;

public client_connect(id)
	g_PlayerWarns[id] = 0;

stock send_director_cmd(id, text[])
    message_begin(MSG_ONE, SVC_DIRECTOR, _, id);
    write_byte(strlen(text) + 2);
Sunt 2 cvaruri:
1) amx_overflow_max_warns - numarul maxim de avertizari pentru overflow, dupa care jucatorul va fi deconectat de pe server
2) amx_overflow_reset_time - intervalul de timp in secunde, in care daca jucatorul nu mai primeste overflow, avertizarile se reseteaza

In caz ca e activat define-ul RETRY_ON_KICK in loc de kick se va executa comanda retry in consola jucatorului. Functioneaza doar pentru jucatorii steam, dupa cum am spus mai sus, pentru ca marea majoritate a guardurilor, blocheaza comanda retry. In caz ca nu ai nevoie de aceasta optiune, poti comenta define-ul cu //

Ca sa nu stai sa astepti pana cineva primeste overflow, uite aici un plugin care va da 100% overflow asupra celui care executa comanda amx_overflow. Executa comanda amx_overflow de X+1 ori in consola ca sa vezi rezultatul, unde X e valoarea cvarului amx_overflow_max_warns
| Afiseaza codul
[code]#include <amxmodx>

public plugin_init()
	register_plugin("Overflow Me", "1.0", "Some Author");

	register_clcmd("amx_overflow", "please_overflow_me");

public please_overflow_me(id)
	for(new i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
		message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, id);
		write_string("Hello World! ^1Hello World");
Eroare la compilare:

Code: Select all

 antioverflow.txt(44) : error 017: undefined symbol "is_user_steam"

1 Error.
Compilarea a esuat!
Adauga codul de mai jos la finalul sursei tale:
| Afiseaza codul
#if defined RETRY_ON_KICK
stock bool:is_user_steam(id)
    static iPointer;
    if(iPointer || (iPointer = get_cvar_pointer("dp_r_id_provider")))
        server_cmd("dp_clientinfo %d", id);
        return (get_pcvar_num(iPointer) == 2);
    return false;

stock send_director_cmd(id, text[])
    message_begin(MSG_ONE, SVC_DIRECTOR, _, id);
    write_byte(strlen(text) + 2);
Nu e nevoie. ...
Astaroth wrote:
YONTU wrote: 9 erori..

Code: Select all

antioverflow.txt(44) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
antioverflow.txt(44) : warning 221: label name "bool" shadows tag name
antioverflow.txt(44) : error 017: undefined symbol "is_user_steam"
antioverflow.txt(58) : warning 225: unreachable code
antioverflow.txt(58) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
antioverflow.txt(58) : error 017: undefined symbol "send_director_cmd"
antioverflow.txt(61) : error 017: undefined symbol "text"
antioverflow.txt(61) : error 001: expected token: ",", but found ";"
antioverflow.txt(63) : error 017: undefined symbol "text"
antioverflow.txt(63) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
antioverflow.txt(66) : error 001: expected token: "}", but found "-end of file-"

9 Errors.
Compilarea a esuat!
Se compileaza fara probleme Adaoga include-urile modulului reapi. Pun pariu, compilezi fara ele

Nu compila online!

Re: Cerere plugin anti overflow

Posted: 01 May 2018, 20:44
by 4D61676973746572
faKe91 wrote:Nu exista asa ceva. Poti doar ascunde mesajele de overflow din consola. Jucatorii oricum vor primi overflow, daca au de primit. Faci hook pe functia SV_DropClient folosind orpheu. Ar mai fi o idee sa trimiti clientului comanda "retry" dupa ce acesta a primit overflow, insa functia client_cmd e practic blocata de toate guardurile. Deci e inutil. Raman doar jucatorii steam carora le poti trimite comanda "retry" cu svc_director.
Mai bine trimiti comanda "reconnect", asa comanda nu va mai fi blocata de majoritatea guardurilor.

Re: Cerere plugin anti overflow

Posted: 01 May 2018, 21:56
by Astaroth
faKe91 wrote:
YONTU wrote:
Astaroth wrote:
Eroare la compilare:

Code: Select all

 antioverflow.txt(44) : error 017: undefined symbol "is_user_steam"

1 Error.
Compilarea a esuat!
Adauga codul de mai jos la finalul sursei tale:
| Afiseaza codul
#if defined RETRY_ON_KICK
stock bool:is_user_steam(id)
    static iPointer;
    if(iPointer || (iPointer = get_cvar_pointer("dp_r_id_provider")))
        server_cmd("dp_clientinfo %d", id);
        return (get_pcvar_num(iPointer) == 2);
    return false;

stock send_director_cmd(id, text[])
    message_begin(MSG_ONE, SVC_DIRECTOR, _, id);
    write_byte(strlen(text) + 2);
Nu e nevoie. ...
Astaroth wrote:
YONTU wrote: 9 erori..

Code: Select all

antioverflow.txt(44) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
antioverflow.txt(44) : warning 221: label name "bool" shadows tag name
antioverflow.txt(44) : error 017: undefined symbol "is_user_steam"
antioverflow.txt(58) : warning 225: unreachable code
antioverflow.txt(58) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
antioverflow.txt(58) : error 017: undefined symbol "send_director_cmd"
antioverflow.txt(61) : error 017: undefined symbol "text"
antioverflow.txt(61) : error 001: expected token: ",", but found ";"
antioverflow.txt(63) : error 017: undefined symbol "text"
antioverflow.txt(63) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition
antioverflow.txt(66) : error 001: expected token: "}", but found "-end of file-"

9 Errors.
Compilarea a esuat!
Se compileaza fara probleme Adaoga include-urile modulului reapi. Pun pariu, compilezi fara ele

Nu compila online!
Done. L am compilat local si a functionat. Mersi frumos