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AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]

Posted: 11 Oct 2014, 15:55
by CryWolf
AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]
Descriere: Dupa cum stiti mult cautatul plugin Unstuck [Deblocheaza] daca ramaneti blocati in orice fel de blocaj pe server in timpul jocului cand sunteti in viata pluginul va instaleaza pe server comanda /unstuck pe care o puteti folosi pentru a va debloca :)
Info: Stiu ca multi o sa spuneti ca mai exista astfel de pluginuri bine mai exista pentru ca si acesta este portat dintr-un plugin official de pe AM cu fixuri si update-uri ele sunt
Changelog | Afiseaza codul
*	v1.7.3
*	- Fixed chat commands not working
*	- Remove 2 chat messages displayed from new spawn
*	- Removed changelog from .SMA
*	- Hidden chat commands /
*	- TESTED All OK!
*	v1.7.2
*	- Completly rewritten using Arkshine / Hamlet way
*	- Removed fun not needed
*	- Updated set_hudmessage func
*	- Added two new pCvars
*	- Updated list of comands and removed (say_team)
*	- commands used as statics
*	- Code improved
*	- Removed case 0 from switch function added default
*	- Removed unnecesary codes

*	- Removed auto unstuck and added command /unstuck for bouth say and say_team
*	- Removed auto Hud Messages and added chat messsage
*	- Fixed working with semiclip
*	- Changed cvars to pCvars
*	- Removed set_task ( 0.1 ) because of the flood check
*	- Updated to a nice code view
*	- Added message info
*	- Added Zombie Mod Fix
*	* Awayting suggestions :)[/code]
Credits | Afiseaza codul

*      Arkshine 	- for the new method of origins spawn
*	Hamlet Eagle	- for pointing that out
*	NL)Ramon(NL 	- Original plugin ideea[/code]
* Mai invatati si engleza :))

Stable Recommended:
v1.7.3 Ultima
Descarcare: AMXX + SMA Arhiva [.ZIP] - Link !
Sursa: pastebin

Nume: Manual Unstuck
Versiune: 1.7.3
Link oficial: Here!

1. Fisierul manual_unstuck.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
2. Fisierul manual_unstuck.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
3. Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma:

Code: Select all

Cvar-uri (se adauga in fisierul amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg):
  • amx_comanda VALOARE - descrierea comenzii respective
    amx_unstuck 0 / 1 - Plugin oprit / pornit , DEFAULT: 1
    amx_autounstuckeffects 0 / 1 - Efectele pluginului [incluzand sunetele] oprite / pornite , DEFAULT: 1
    amx_autounstuckwait NR - Timp de asteptare pana a folosi din nou comanda , DEFAULT 7 secunde
    amx_unst_announce 0 / 1 - Anunturi prin mesaje chat / hud [va selectati mai jos ce fel de anunt] despre comanda DEF: 1
    amx_ann_time Time - Timpul de reafisare a mesajelor [in secunde] DEF: 120 [2 minute]
    amx_ann_type 0 / 1 / 2 - Tipul mesajului afisat, 0[inactiv] , 1[chat], 2[ hud] DEF: 1
  • cvaruri noi incepand cu [v1.7.2]
    amx_ann_hold - Timpul cat sa tina mesajul HUD , DEF: 15 secunde
    amx_ann_effects - Efectele mesajului HUD [0: Fara efecte, 1: Sclipire, 2: Scrie mesajul de mana] , DEF: 0
Comenzi administrative (se tasteaza in consola si trebuie sa fiti administrator):
- Toate cele de mai sus sunt Administrative!

Comenzi publice (se tasteaza in joc prin apasarea tastei Y / U):
  • /unstuck - Va deblocati
    • /unblock - Va deblocati
      • /stuck - Va deblocati
Module necesare (se sterge ; din fata modulului de mai jos; acestea le gasiti in fisierul amxmodx\configs\modules.ini):
* Daca aveti AMX Mod X 1.8.0 sau mai mare nu mai sunt necesari acest pasi!
- Fakemeta
- Fun

Q: Cum folosesc pluginul pe Zombie Mod ? [BIO & ZP] pentru ca la zombii sa nu le functioneze comanda?
A: In sursa pluginului v-am adaugat

Code: Select all

// Default NO Mod
// Zombie Plague 4.3 and 5.0
// #define USE_ZPMOD
// Biohazard [ALL Version]
// #define USE_BIOMOD                         
Comentati (//) si decomentati liniile la dorinta dar
ATENTIE! Doar una din ele trebuie sa fie Activa, deci daca vrem sa folosim pluginul cu Zombie Plague modificam cam asa

Code: Select all

// Default NO Mod
// #define USE_DEFAULT
// Zombie Plague 4.3 and 5.0
#define USE_ZPMOD
// Biohazard [ALL Version]
// #define USE_BIOMOD                         
- Sau il puteti lasa asa si au acces la comanda si oamenii si zombii doar mariti timpul de utilizare a functiei prin cvarul amx_autounstuckwait
Q: Vreau versiunea automata [atentie face flood prin set_task si nu functioneaza bine cu semiclip si nu este updatata]
A: ... 6?p=441576

Q: De ce te-ai trecut autor la un plugin editat?
A: Nu m-am trecut autor nicaieri doar la mentiuni

Code: Select all

register_plugin ( "Unstuck", "1.7.2", "AMXX Dev Builder" );
Q: Tu de ce nu iti postezi pluginurile pe Allied Modders ?
A: Nu imi place de profesionistii de acolo, vor prea multe ei cred ca toti sunt experti si stau 24 din 24 sa updateze pluginurile cum isi doresc ei, Eu mai am si o viata personala.
Q: Ce cauta pluginul la Pluginuri eXtream?
A: Pluginul este refacut , updatat de catre mine, deoarece sunt un utilizator cu rang al acestui forum imi permit sa am grija de el la aceasta sectiune.
Q: Ai uitat Cry sa mentionezi ceva
A: Anume ce ? Astept un PM! :P
Q: Vreau sa te ajut la dezvoltarea lui cu idei dar si teste pot?
A: Da este simplu adauga in plugins.ini dupa numele pluginului debug in caz de probleme si postezi aici orice modificare / problema apare.
Q: Cum modific timpul cat sa tina mesajele Hud pe ecran? v1.5.3 only
A: In sursa pluginului adica manual_unstuck.sma la linia 76 avem defineul

Code: Select all

#define HOLD_TIME       15.0            // Time to hold the hud message on screen
Modificam in secunde urmat de .0 cate secunde dorim sa tina mesajul
Q: Cum fac sa dispara din chat comenzile stuck, unstuck cand le scriu in chat?
A: In sursa .SMA a pluginului la linia 205 modificati

Code: Select all

return 0;

Code: Select all

return 1;
Si recompilati / readaugati pluginul pe Server

Pluginul este sub licenta GNU / GPL si am dreptul sa editez cum il doresc atat timp cat autorul oficial ramane intact!

Bafta, daca aveti neplaceri sau comentarii a'prost va rog sa va abtineti pentru ca am facut [FAQ] pentru a va explica totul de ce si cum.

Re: AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]

Posted: 11 Oct 2014, 16:28
by HamletEagle
Chestia cu originile predefinite nu imi place, il poti face fara asa ceva.
1 | Afiseaza codul
if ( ! is_user_alive ( id ) ) {
	client_print ( id , print_chat, "[ %s ] You are not allowed to use this command when you are dead" );
	return 1;
static Float: fPlayerStartOrigins [ 3 ]; /*player origins before unstuck will move him */
static Float: fPlayerEndOrigins   [ 3 ]; /* origins found by this code */

pev ( id, pev_origin, fPlayerStartOrigins ); /* get current origin */

/*Check for setup error */
if ( ! g_iSearchDistance || ! g_iMaxSearches ) {
	log_amx ( "No search distance or no search ammount, check your configuration file" );
	client_print ( id , print_chat , "[ %s ] Due to a setup problem, this command is not working.", TAG );
	return 1;

else if ( g_iSearchDistance >= 800 || g_iMaxSearches >= 40 ) {
	log_amx ( " Search distance or search ammount is too big, check your configuration file" );
	client_print ( id , print_chat , "[ %s ] Due to a setup problem, this command is not working.", TAG );
	return 1;

/*Send a trace to see if he is stuck */
engfunc ( EngFunc_TraceHull, fPlayerStartOrigins, fPlayerStartOrigins, pev ( id , pev_flags ) & FL_DUCKING ? HULL_HEAD : HULL_HUMAN , id, 0 );

if ( get_tr2 ( 0, TR_InOpen ) && ! ( get_tr2 ( 0, TR_AllSolid ) && get_tr2 ( 0, TR_StartSolid ) ) )  {
	client_print ( id , print_chat , "[ %s ] You are not stuck. Please don't use this command with no reason" , TAG );
	return 1; /* he is not stuck,stop the function */

new i [ 2 ]; /*just to make it easy to change, idk why */
i [ 0 ] = g_iSearchDistance;
i [ 1 ] = g_iMaxSearches;

while ( i [ 0 ] < 800 ) { /* while our distance for searching is not bigger than 800 */
	while ( i [ 1 ] > 0 ) { /* while he should search */
		for ( new k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k ++ ) /*I don't exactly remember, but this way of getting random origins is not mine, I just saw it some time ago and I "learned" it*/
		fPlayerEndOrigins [ k ] = random_float ( fPlayerStartOrigins [ k ] - i [ 0 ] , fPlayerStartOrigins [ k ] + i [ 0 ] ); /* I'm speacking about this line.... */
		/*Send a trace at the new origin to check if it's available */
		engfunc ( EngFunc_TraceHull, fPlayerEndOrigins, fPlayerEndOrigins, IGNORE_MONSTERS, pev ( id , pev_flags ) & FL_DUCKING ? HULL_HEAD : HULL_HUMAN , id, 0 );
		if ( get_tr2 ( 0, TR_InOpen ) && !get_tr2 ( 0, TR_AllSolid ) && !get_tr2 ( 0, TR_StartSolid )  ) {
			set_pev ( id , pev_origin , fPlayerEndOrigins ); /*set new origins */
	i [ 0 ] = i [ 0 ] * 2;
	i [ 1 ] --;

return 0;
Dintr-un mod de furien la care am lucrat odata( credite Arkshine ).

Re: AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]

Posted: 11 Oct 2014, 18:44
by CryWolf
HamletEagle wrote:Chestia cu originile predefinite nu imi place, il poti face fara asa ceva.
1 | Afiseaza codul
if ( ! is_user_alive ( id ) ) {
	client_print ( id , print_chat, "[ %s ] You are not allowed to use this command when you are dead" );
	return 1;
static Float: fPlayerStartOrigins [ 3 ]; /*player origins before unstuck will move him */
static Float: fPlayerEndOrigins   [ 3 ]; /* origins found by this code */

pev ( id, pev_origin, fPlayerStartOrigins ); /* get current origin */

/*Check for setup error */
if ( ! g_iSearchDistance || ! g_iMaxSearches ) {
	log_amx ( "No search distance or no search ammount, check your configuration file" );
	client_print ( id , print_chat , "[ %s ] Due to a setup problem, this command is not working.", TAG );
	return 1;

else if ( g_iSearchDistance >= 800 || g_iMaxSearches >= 40 ) {
	log_amx ( " Search distance or search ammount is too big, check your configuration file" );
	client_print ( id , print_chat , "[ %s ] Due to a setup problem, this command is not working.", TAG );
	return 1;

/*Send a trace to see if he is stuck */
engfunc ( EngFunc_TraceHull, fPlayerStartOrigins, fPlayerStartOrigins, pev ( id , pev_flags ) & FL_DUCKING ? HULL_HEAD : HULL_HUMAN , id, 0 );

if ( get_tr2 ( 0, TR_InOpen ) && ! ( get_tr2 ( 0, TR_AllSolid ) && get_tr2 ( 0, TR_StartSolid ) ) )  {
	client_print ( id , print_chat , "[ %s ] You are not stuck. Please don't use this command with no reason" , TAG );
	return 1; /* he is not stuck,stop the function */

new i [ 2 ]; /*just to make it easy to change, idk why */
i [ 0 ] = g_iSearchDistance;
i [ 1 ] = g_iMaxSearches;

while ( i [ 0 ] < 800 ) { /* while our distance for searching is not bigger than 800 */
	while ( i [ 1 ] > 0 ) { /* while he should search */
		for ( new k = 0 ; k < 3 ; k ++ ) /*I don't exactly remember, but this way of getting random origins is not mine, I just saw it some time ago and I "learned" it*/
		fPlayerEndOrigins [ k ] = random_float ( fPlayerStartOrigins [ k ] - i [ 0 ] , fPlayerStartOrigins [ k ] + i [ 0 ] ); /* I'm speacking about this line.... */
		/*Send a trace at the new origin to check if it's available */
		engfunc ( EngFunc_TraceHull, fPlayerEndOrigins, fPlayerEndOrigins, IGNORE_MONSTERS, pev ( id , pev_flags ) & FL_DUCKING ? HULL_HEAD : HULL_HUMAN , id, 0 );
		if ( get_tr2 ( 0, TR_InOpen ) && !get_tr2 ( 0, TR_AllSolid ) && !get_tr2 ( 0, TR_StartSolid )  ) {
			set_pev ( id , pev_origin , fPlayerEndOrigins ); /*set new origins */
	i [ 0 ] = i [ 0 ] * 2;
	i [ 1 ] --;

return 0;
Dintr-un mod de furien la care am lucrat odata( credite Arkshine ).

Code: Select all

*	v1.7.2
*	- Completly rewritten using Arkshine / Hamlet way
*	- Removed fun not needed
*	- Updated set_hudmessage func
*	- Added two new pCvars
*	- Updated list of comands and removed (say_team)
*	- commands used as statics
*	- Code improved
*	- Removed case 0 from switch function added default
*	- Removed unnecesary codes
Am adaugat si 2 noua cvaruri ele sunt
  • amx_ann_hold - Cat timp sa tina mesajul HUD
  • amx_ann_effects = efectele mesajului HUD [0: Fara efecte, 1: Sclipire, 2: Scris de mana]

Re: AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]

Posted: 11 Oct 2014, 20:17
by Ulquiorra
incearca nu umbla la indent.
p mine ma 'enerveaza' pluginurile astea cu origini si chestii ca ma doare capu' d la ele

am inteles cam 77% din el.. :))

Re: AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]

Posted: 14 Oct 2014, 10:31
by CryWolf
L-a testat cineva poate confirma ca functioneaza , pentru ca am auzit reprosuri :-?

Stie cineva cum sa ma blochez singur ca il testez eu :)

UPDATE 1.7.3 cititi changelogul din primul post!

Re: AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]

Posted: 14 Oct 2014, 16:25
by HamletEagle
Fa o comanda, ia originea playerului, scade 15 unitati din axa y si seteaza noua origine. Mai mult ca sigur te va bloca.

Re: AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]

Posted: 14 Oct 2014, 17:56
by Nubo
Incearca noclip

Re: AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]

Posted: 14 Oct 2014, 18:08
by CryWolf
Am uitat sa mentionez ca am rezolvat deja. o data ce am trecut ca TESTAT.

Re: AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]

Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 10:18
by rzvbv
Ar fi si mai bun ca sa detecteze cand esti blocat si numai atunci sa mearga comanda /stuck, astfel pe un server de zombie cu lasere multi profita de teleport sa evite laserul.

Re: AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]

Posted: 20 Sep 2016, 15:32
by MzQ*
rzvbv wrote:Ar fi si mai bun ca sa detecteze cand esti blocat si numai atunci sa mearga comanda /stuck, astfel pe un server de zombie cu lasere multi profita de teleport sa evite laserul.
M4? apeasa-l
Sunt sigur ca o sa mearga

Re: AMXX Unstuck [Manual Updated]

Posted: 22 Jan 2017, 16:38
by Petre2017
Mie nu îmi merge.. Cred ca am greșit undeva