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05 Feb 2018, 20:46

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CDown.prototype = {
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	math: function(work){
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* Snow Effect Script- By Altan d.o.o. (
* Visit Dynamic Drive DHTML code library ( for full source code
* Last updated Nov 9th, 05' by DD. This notice must stay intact for use
  //Configure below to change URL path to the snow image
  var snowsrc=""
  // Configure below to change number of snow to render
  var no = 10;
  // Configure whether snow should disappear after x seconds (0=never):
  var hidesnowtime = 0;
  // Configure how much snow should drop down before fading ("windowheight" or "pageheight")
  var snowdistance = "pageheight";
///////////Stop Config//////////////////////////////////
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    yp = Math.random()*doc_height;
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    snowtimer=setTimeout("snowIE_NS6()", 10);
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//   Plenty of black gives a better sparkle effect.

showerCol=new Array('#000000','#ff0000','#ffffff','#000000','#00ff00','#ff00ff','#ffffff','#ffa500','#000000','#fff000');
launchCol=new Array('#ffff00','#ff00ff','#00ffff','#ffffff','#ff8000');
runSpeed=70; //setTimeout speed.

//   *** DO NOT EDIT BELOW ***

var yPos=200;
var xPos=200;
var explosionSize=200;
var launchColour='#ffff80';
var timer=null;
var dims=1;
var evn=360/14;
firework=new Array();
var ieType=(typeof window.innerWidth != 'number');
var ieRef=((ieType) && (document.compatMode) && 
(document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS") != -1))

for (i=0; i < 14; i++){
document.write('<div id="sparks'+i+'" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;height:1px;width:1px;font-size:1px;background-color:'+launchColour+'"><\/div>');

function winDims(){
bestFit=(winW >= winH)?winH:winW;
window.onresize=new Function("winDims()");

function Reset(){
var dsy=(ieType)?ieRef.scrollTop:window.pageYOffset; 
launchColour = launchCol[Math.floor(Math.random()*launchCol.length)];
yPos = explosionSize+Math.round(Math.random()*(winH-(explosionSize*2.2)))+dsy;
xPos = explosionSize+Math.round(Math.random()*(winW-(explosionSize*2.2)));
for (i=0; i < 14; i++){

function Fireworks(){

for (i=0; i < 14; i++){
firework[i].top = yPos + explosionSize * Math.sin(i*evn*Math.PI/180)*Math.sin(thisStep/100)+"px";
firework[i].left= xPos + explosionSize * Math.cos(i*evn*Math.PI/180)*Math.sin(thisStep/100)+"px";
 if (thisStep > 100){
 dims=(explosionSize < 150)?1:Math.round(1+Math.random()*2);
if (thisStep > 160){


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						<p>„Cuvântul dat trebuie respectat.”</p>
						<p>„Nu lătra dacă nu ești pregatit sa muști.”</p>
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	  					<p>Dacă nu am avea dușmani, ar însemna că nu suntem cei mai buni.</p>
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nota 2, stai jos.
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05 Feb 2018, 20:47

<meta name="keywords" content="og-times,samp-rpg,,sa-mp romania,rpg romania,samp romania puncte premium,puncte premium gratis,san andreas multiplayer romania,samp rpg romania,rpg romania">

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05 Feb 2018, 20:50

Metodele astea gratis de obfuscare a codului html/javascript sunt egale cu 0.

Functioneaza impotriva la copiii aia cu iq egal unei linguri, cine stie ce si cum te rupe. :doge:
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05 Feb 2018, 20:52

The Kalu wrote:Metodele astea gratis de obfuscare a codului html/javascript sunt egale cu 0.

Functioneaza impotriva la copiii aia cu iq egal unei linguri, cine stie ce si cum te rupe. :doge:
din astea faceam acum 8 ani :')
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05 Feb 2018, 20:53

el cripteaza indexu ma ia criza
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05 Feb 2018, 20:56

laurwtf wrote:el cripteaza indexu ma ia criza
Inca n-au inteles ca nu pot ascunde tot ce tine de html, doar in cazul php/asp etc.
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05 Feb 2018, 20:57

nici php nu poti ascunde man, doar js
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05 Feb 2018, 21:00

laurwtf wrote:nici php nu poti ascunde man, doar js
Ba da cu zend guard dar costa banet.
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05 Feb 2018, 21:01

Ma refeream la ceva free :D
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05 Feb 2018, 21:14

baiat rau laur asta .
dar index-ul de pe evils nu este facut de ei , este ceva copiat si este si ceva de genu free pe google.
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05 Feb 2018, 22:52

Programator LEVIN, e tare rau baiatul, se crede scripter dar el n-are o chifla-n burta :))
Ghotic WARE CS:GO CHEAT - NR. 1 ! UPDATE ZILNIC ... sgo-cheat/
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10 Feb 2018, 11:40

anxiety. wrote:Programator LEVIN, e tare rau baiatul, se crede scripter dar el n-are o chifla-n burta :))
OFF: "Hoțul striga hoțul" daca tot vorbim de chifle..

ON: :kappa:
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